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Metals-Knowledge is a pool of information continuously enriched.
Maybe your Profession, Business or Study has to do with
Welding of Metals.
In that case you know you can benefit by consulting
your personal copy of a good
Welding Online Encyclopedia.
However informed and expert you may be, you could certainly benefit from a vast repository of online authoritative welding information.
We first offered to our readers to build a substantial repository of welding metallurgy, just by tapping some of the best sources available online.
We called it a Metals Encyclopedia.
It was intended to be a rich book-shelf, full with Metals-Knowledge on Properties, Characteristics, Data, Tables and Commercial Designations, and thorough, authoritative information on Metals Welding Metallurgy.
To put up such a library could have been an expensive proposition, affordable only by those who do not mind spending substantial money for their professional improvement.
How to Assemble Your Metals-Knowledge
But you could actually download from the Internet at no cost pages and pages of valuable information from reputable sources, provided you had the relevant links.
Welding Advisers, your faithful and trusted Website, long serving Readers with lots of rich information on Welding and Metallurgy, assembled gatherings of invaluable links in two Books, to enable anyone, eager to get valuable knowledge, to build his/her own collection of essential Metals-Knowledge wisdom.
When we came out with this proposal, we offered it for a modest sum.
Many readers agreed to pay, and downloaded the said two volumes with our proposed links.
We still believe that a reliable source of readily available knowledge is most important for anyone involved in the complex subjects addressing Welding.
Since then we developed our task to provide no cost information, open to everyone for download, to keep and save in suitable folders.
Built along many years, the complete collection, open at no cost to anyone interested, is available at Welding Resources.
This long list of Resources, continually added upon with new items, covers not only materials, but also processes, quality and metallurgical subjects.
At a recent count it listed 116 different items.
Readers who appreciate the notion that information must be organized in the memory of their computer, and then be read and assimilated, will find out the best way to make it available to themselves when needed.
You will then be able to have at your fingertips a wealthy body of Metals-Knowledge notions explained, clarified, ready for you to learn, to compare, to understand, to derive conclusions from, to use in your academic preparation or in your daily work.
Once you save onto your own computer all this knowledge, suitably organized in your Folders designated by meaningful Names, you can reach this wisdom at any time.
Note: To protect from computer crash, it is good practice to establish a memory back up.
Of course, while useful, the mere list of resources, however helpful, will not solve any problem.
This renewed page summarizes our old story on Metals-Knowledge and offers an easy way to build up, in due time, a rich professional welding information book shelf.
The two old volumes are going to be published openly as Mid Month Bulletins as next issues.
The first one, Resources on Metals, Iron, Part 1, is now available at
Bulletin 117.
The second, Resources on Metals, Steel, Part 2, is now available at
Bulletin 118.
The third, Resources on Metals, Stainless Steels, Part 3, is now available at Bulletin 119.
The fourth, Resources on Metals, Cast Irons, Part 4, is now available at Bulletin 120.
The fifth, Resources on Metals, Aluminum, Part 5, is now available at Bulletin 121.
The sixth, Resources on Metals, Magnesium, Part 6, is now available at Bulletin 122.
The seventh, Resources on Metals, Nickel, Part 7, is now available at Bulletin 123.
The eighth, Resources on Metals, Refractory Metals, Part 8, is now available at Bulletin 124.
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Click on the Contact Us button in the NavBar at top left of every page.
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Let us remind you that, if you are interested, we offer a no cost subscription to our Practical Welding Letter and a bonus book in pdf format to be made available for download to your computer on the subject of
To reach a Guide to the collection of the most important Articles from Past Issues of Practical Welding Letter, click on Welding Topics.
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Site Map
We used to remind to our readers titles and links
to our informative pages on:
- welding basics,
- welding processes,
- welding materials and
- other welding related subjects.
We are informed that publishing a list of internal links in website pages, is judged as objectionable practice by companies that grade the relevance of the page content to users' usefulness.
Therefore, in an effort to comply with the above requirement,
we remove the usual list appearing in this location,
and urge our readers to use the Site Map to locate
the pages that might provide them the answers to their questions.
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