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How to Choose, Plan and Build your own Welding Career |
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Your Welding-career is too important for your life.
Don't let it just happen by itself.
Decide where you want it to bring you.
Plan ahead what you want to reach,
why, when and how to get there.
Take yourself firmly in your hand.
Your Career will not just happen.
Consider Your Welding-career.
Plan ahead and strive to attain it.
Build your Career step by step.
Visit the NEW Page on Welding Overview, for a thorough Introduction to Welding.
Visit also the NEW Page on Process-selection, for Understanding the Selection procedure and
the NEW Page on Process-optimization for improved productivity.
You, who are looking around in search for a promising career,
should dedicate enough time and attention to study in depth
what is for you.
If you are looking for your life long profession,
you owe this to you, to check if a Welding career is for you.
Do what it takes to understand what is all about.
Learn all you can about it without prejudice.
Study first the analysis of the Bureau of Labor
An oustanding introduction to welders activities, is a publication of the
Bureau of Labor Statistics whose link is given hereafter.
It is a thorough presentation of the subjects concerning:
job prospects, description of work activities and conditions, potential hazards, employment, training and advancement, earnings and related occupations.
Click on US Department of Labor.
If you want to consider Welding career as your possible choice,
you should learn all you can to decide if it has the potential
to realize your hopes for your satisfaction and reward.
To download the informative
TWI Fact Sheet IV (03/03) - A Career in Welding (4 pages)
open the following page
Then click on the last item (pdf)
or dowload the page
Then, to make up your mind, review the following information:
Why Pick Welding As Your Job For Life?
Is it Worth Planning a Career in Welding?
Planning a career in welding: A young person's guide
An Interview with Tony Anderson covering useful recommendations
for selecting and specializing in a Welding-career
was published in Issue 42 of Practical Welding Letter for February 2007.
Click on PWL#042 to read it.
Why a Welding career?
- It is a much requested profession, offer lags behind request (more positions than candidates).
- Good professionals in every specialization are required across all industries.
- The profession commands good salaries, proportional to knowledge and experience
- It is wide open through various different specialties
- It offers many levels of expertise where you can find your place
- Learning the basics of manual welding gives you a solid base to build upon
- Learn and assimilate many of the used methods and obtain multiple Certifications
- Become an expert in a definite specialty and get a coveted advantage
- Select a job providing you specialized training
- Then you can specialize as operator, as robotic technician, as trainer
- You can move to a welding inspector career and learn non destructive techniques
- If you learn welding management, organization and cost control you can move to a supervisor job
- With your valuable practical experience you can study to pursue a welding engineer career
Some manual welding work is carried out in difficult or dangerous (but safe) positions (examples: cramped space, high rising buildings, under water)
Safety rules must be followed always, even if uncomfortable (i.e. respiratory protection).
Find out how to plan for a longtime rewarding Welding-career
How to plan ahead effectively your Welding-career?
Know what is available and decide what you would like to do most.
Find out to get the needed training and expertise.
Progress smoothly by planning early for your achievements and establishing your own schedule.
How to select the specialty of your Welding-career?
To make an informed choice you should spend some time approaching every specialty and seeing what appeals to you.
For those considering to prepare themselves to a meaningful Welding career, there are many options available.
There are also different professional specialties and levels, that should be understood to make an informed choice. Whatever your choice, you need to obtain your Certification, a recognized document demonstrating you achievements and qualifications.
Some of these are: Welder, welding machine operator, welding technician, welding schedule developer, welding procedure writer, testing laboratory technician, welding non destructive testing inspector, welding supervisor, welding instructor, welding engineer.
How to find what interests you most?
By reading, by learning, by visiting welding shops, by interviewing people, by asking questions experts like us.
What is the single most important item needed to prepare for a Welding-career?
It is certainly learning to obtain a good knowledge of principles, but especially the advantage of profiting from excellent training.
A successful Welding-career starts always with adequate Training.
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More information
A good and growing Welding-career starts obviously with excellent training obtained at an outstanding welding school which offers a complete welding plan of study thoroughly organized and well conducted by experienced trainers.
One place to look at for building a Welding career is the curricula offered by welding schools and by academic institutions as welding plans of study.
Due to the importance of this subject we have dedicated to it a full page. Reach it by clicking on Welding Education and Training. (Opens a new page).
Tip!: a good indication of the adequacy of the school can be obtained by examining the number of students enrolled in a certain period and the number of those who passed the internal examinations. Also the number of those that passed Certification by an external Agency, and the number of those who were offered a job by interested employers.
Most important...
Included in the Welding career plan should be the notion that following the welding course, the ambitious new welder building his/her Welding-career should engage in passing the examinations involved in the Certification process. A number of Certifying Agencies offer Certifications, some more prestigious than others.
See a comprehensive introduction to Welding-career opportunities and Certifications by linking to the following AWS site. Remember that a rewarding Welding-career is built step by step, by accumulating experience and covering ever more demanding jobs.
Nothing prevents to start with the easiest one and then, after qualifying (that is after learning more and improving the skills involved) by additional training or on the job experience until one feels ready, to take the examinations of a higher degree Certification.
How to apply for the most rewarding Welding career jobs?
By working hard to get the most wanted Certifications by the most competent Certifying Agencies.
How to stay up to date on new equipment?
By visiting Expositions and Fairs, by being in contact with Manufacturers, by reading regularly welding publications.
Frequently job offerings state the type of Certification required for application.
This Award-Winning Video, titled "Welding - So Hot - It's Cool" is now available for download to your computer from:
Amazing jobs...
Diversify your working experiences to qualify for higher rank employment
Some welding jobs connected to a particular Welding-career require extra abilities not usually associated with welding.
One specialization most required involves the capability of undertaking underwater-welding after a strenuous and difficult training period.
This is a much rewarded craft for the selected few who pass the required Certification.
A short article giving directly the addresses of schools to prepare for such a Welding-career can be found by clicking on AWS.
Basic useful information and suggestions are in the following article you can reach by clicking Plunge.
An Article on Underwater Inspection and Welding was published (3) in Issue 116 of Practical Welding Letter for April 2013.
Click on PWL#116 to see it.
See also in this Site the page on Underwater Welding.
Most important...
Now that you know all that you need, where you are going, how you get your training, which are the continuing goals, you are ready to...
...prepare a road map of your future achievements
To plan towards a successful Welding-career stay focused on your aim:
- Learn what it is all about
- Know your tendencies and preferences
- Establish your goals
- Look at the means you will need (Schools, Training, Certifications etc.)
- Assess the effectiveness of each one of them
- Select the best for you
- Plan your schedule
- Stick to it!
Read on...
Continuing education to maintain a high level of Welding-career capability within an operating welding facility should include instruction, training and periodical refreshing or updating courses, either by internal professionals or by external, hired instructors, for the workforce at every level. An assertive welder should insist for obtaining the privilege of maintaining and improving his/her career.
For the most critical activities of a successful Welding-career, a set of formal examinations should be conducted periodically and the assessment of performance should be entrusted to external personnel or to responsible internal inspectors accountable for their decisions through documented records.
Tip!: most welders, although willing to learn and to exercise in order to progress in their Welding-career, will show some resistance when the instructor rejects their test and demands more training.
From our long experience we learned that it is most important that the instructor win the confidence of the trainee: he/she should be shown practically, under the microscope, why his/her test weld was rejected and how a successful weld should look. Moreover the request for a renewed test should be presented not as a penalty, instead as an opportunity for more training and for a successful outcome.
We presented useful Career Resources in the following publication that we distributed at no cost to our subscribers.
Find some interesting links in a special Mid Month Bulletin Page of our PRACTICAL WELDING LETTER, designed to offer you, our interested readers, the opportunity to search the web quickly and effectively on the subject of Welding Careers. We urge you to explore this rich source of essential knowledge. Online Resources on Welding Careers, Certifications, Jobs
, presenting Articles, Downloads, Links and Information is now available by clicking on PWL#034B. |
Do you need more Online References on additional welding subjects?
Click on Welding Resources.
The Mid April 2009 Bulletin was dedicated to Welding Schools and Colleges.
Click on PWL#068B to see it.
The Mid December 2009 Bulletin was dedicated to High Paying Welding Jobs.
Click on PWL#076B to see it.
An Article on How to become an AWS Certified Welding Inspector was published (11) in Issue 84 of Practical Welding Letter for August 2010.
Click on PWL#084 to see it.
An Article on How to become an AWS Certified Robotic Arc Welding Operator/Technician was published (2) in Issue 85 of Practical Welding Letter for September 2010.
Click on PWL#085 to see it.
An Article on Welding Engineering as a Career was published (2) in Issue 141 of Practical Welding Letter for May 2015.
Click on PWL#141 to see it.
An Article on Advice to the New Welding Engineer was published (2) in Issue 143 of Practical Welding Letter for July 2015.
Click on PWL#143 to see it.
An introduction to our new page on Welding Certification was published (8) in Issue 148 of Practical Welding Letter for December 2015.
Click on PWL#148.
An Article on AWS Certification Program Update was published (11) in Issue 163 of Practical Welding Letter for March 2017.
Go to www.welding-advisers.com/PRACTICAL_WELDING_LETTER-
PracticalWeldingLetterNo163.html - PWL#163.
An Article on A Career as Welding Inspector (7) and another one on Welding Log Book (11) were published in Issue 164 of Practical Welding Letter for April 2017.
Click on PWL#164.
For more details...
It is understood that a successful Welding-career pertains to those willing to enlarge their basic knowledge and experience by learning more on related subjects. This is why we present in the following pages, that can be reached by clicking on the underlined items, a selected list of items which we believe can provide useful additional insight.
We are showing how Welding Information should be learned and presented, what are welding terms, what is the use of welding symbols. These are the tools of the language used throughout the industry to communicate at all levels: therefore it is important to master them.
All welders should be proficient in welding skills and welding techniques, and in implementing appropriate and complete Welding Procedures, presented in clear plain way. The proof of performance of welding is a successful test.
Through adopting correct welding techniques the welder should pay sufficient attention to preserve the workpiece from excessive Welding Distortion or deformation caused by welding, as it may not be acceptable for fit, or form, or function.
Any worker involved in some type of welding in a manufacturing facility should be given the opportunity to learn and understand the basic concepts
of Welding Properties of welded joints.
And finally everyone in the job should have an idea of what are Welding Failures and what is the welder's responsibility in avoiding them.
We welcome your questions. Any questions or comments or feedback? Write them down and send them to us by e-mail.
Click on the Contact Us button in the NavBar at top left of every page.

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To reach a Page, listing the most important Articles from Past Issues of Practical Welding Letter, click here.
And get also a FREE download direct to your computer, of our book in pdf format, on the subject of PRACTICAL HARDNESS TESTING MADE SIMPLE. Please just Subscribe.
If you are interested you may find items relevant to your welding activity in that, before welding, one should know the hardness of the items involved.
To reach a Guide to the collection of the most important Articles from Past Issues of Practical Welding Letter, click on Welding Topics.
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