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Welding-resources: did you ever dream of finding links to organized sources of authoritative information, know-how, tips and inside knowledge on the most important subjects of Welding and Associated Technology?
Look no further. You reached one of the richest hubs of Welding-resources pointing to hundreds of articles and other written material that can be vital to your activity.
It would be nice to build a library of Books and Magazines on the subjects you want to learn, we agree. But unfortunately it is an expensive wish. Here you have the next best option, one that can help you at least to see your way.
If you did not yet find what you need, why not typing your question in the following Search Box?
Welding-resources, this page, points to a number of special past issues of PWL - Our Practical Welding Letter - Mid Month Bulletin, that were prepared in the past months to supply to our interested readers a wealth of information on welding subjects.
Many different sources provide on the Internet valuable Welding-resources: the problem is always how to find what is needed, when it is needed.
Therefore, to help our readers, we organized each Bulletin of Welding-resources around a single topic, and we provide the links to e-mail addresses of articles, previews, reprints, know how and information.
Bookmark this page: you will then be able to reach again the information you seek whenever the need arises. You can reach it also by clicking on the Weld Resources Button in the NavBar on the left.
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Welding-resources to find Instant References
Here is the list of the proposed Welding-resources and their links:
1) - Stainless Steels and Nickel Alloys
Click on Resource 1.
2) - Careers, Certifications, Jobs
Click on Resource 2.
3) - Fundamentals of Brazing, Manuals, Joint Design
Click on Resource 3.
4) - Hardfacing
Click on Resource 4.
5) - Laser (Welding [Hybrid-, Plastic-], Cutting, Drilling, Heat Treatment, Marking, Safety)
Click on Resource 5.
6) - Industrial Radiography, Training, Qualification, Certification,
Click on Resource 6.
7) - Corrosion, Corrosion Prevention, Corrosion Control, Cathodic Protection, Stress Corrosion Cracking
Click on Resource 7.
8) - Engineering Design for Welding, Brazing, Soldering, Adhesive-, Mechanical-Joining
Click on Resource 8.
9) - Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Welding
Click on Resource 9.
10) - Copper and Copper Alloys Welding
Click on Resource 10.
11) - Titanium and Titanium Alloys Welding
Click on Resource 11.
12) - Steel and Steel Welding
Click on Resource 12.
13) - Welding of Cast Irons
Click on Resource 13.
14) - Surface Treatments and Modification, Plating, Coating, Metal Finishing
Click on Resource 14.
15) - Cobalt and Cobalt Alloys Welding
Click on Resource 15.
16) - Welding Distortion, Types and Causes,
Click on Resource 16.
17) - Visual Inspection and Requirements
Click on Resource 17.
18) - Welding Safety and Prevention of Dangers
Click on Resource 18.
19) - Welding Economics and Related Issues
Click on Resource 19.
20) - Welding Defects
Click on Resource 20.
21) - Failure Analysis, Root Cause Determination
Click on Resource 21.
22) - Repair Welding
Click on Resource 22.
23) - Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG)
Click on Resource 23.
24) - Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG)
Click on Resource 24.
25) - Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW or MMA)
Click on Resource 25.
26) - Waterjet Cutting
Click on Resource 26.
27) - Fatigue of Welded Structures
Click on Resource 27.
28) - Robotic Welding
Click on Resource 28.
29) - Laser-arc Hybrid Welding
Click on Resource 29.
30) - Electro Fusion Welding
Click on Resource 30.
31) - Post Weld Heat Treatment
Click on Resource 31.
32) - Tungsten Electrodes
Click on Resource 32.
33) - Advanced High Strength Steels
Click on Resource 33.
34) - Mechanical Testing
Click on Resource 34.
35) - Welding Health and Safety
Click on Resource 35.
36) - Welding Schools and Colleges
Click on Resource 36.
37) - Welding Books
Click on Resource 37.
38) - Welding Forums
Click on Resource 38.
39) - Instructional Welding Videos and DVD
Click on Resource 39.
40) - Welding Gases
Click on Resource 40.
41) - Mechanical Fastening
Click on Resource 41.
42) - Adhesive Bonding
Click on Resource 42.
43) - Ultrasonic Phased Array
Click on Resource 43.
44) - High Paying Welding Jobs
Click on Resource 44.
45) - Structural Health Monitoring
Click on Resource 45.
46) - Friction Stir Welding
Click on Resource 46.
47) - Welding Calculations and Calculators
Click on Resource 47.
48) - Positioning and Robotics
Click on Resource 48.
49) - Ultrasonic NDT
Click on Resource 49.
50) - Weldability
Click on Resource 50.
51) - Creep Strength-Enhanced Steels
Click on Resource 51.
52) - Numerical Simulations
Click on Resource 52.
53) - Residual Stress Measurements
Click on Resource 53.
54) - Welding-resources on Hardenability
Click on Resource 54.
55) - Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloys
Click on Resource 55.
56) - Hexavalent Chrome
Click on Resource 56.
57) - Dispersion Strengthened Aluminum Alloys
Click on Resource 57.
58) - Hardfacing
Click on Resource 58.
59) - Quantitative Metallography
Click on Resource 59.
60) - Fire Prevention
Click on Resource 60.
61) - Thermal Spray
Click on Resource 61.
62) - Welding Codes and Standards
Click on Resource 62.
63) - Welding Porosity Prevention
Click on Resource 63.
64) - Ceramic Brazing
Click on Resource 64.
65) - Welding Dissimilar Metals
Click on Resource 65.
66) - Acoustic Emission
Click on Resource 66.
67) - Thermomechanical Processing
Click on Resource 67.
68) - Weld Dilution
Click on Resource 68.
69) - Welding Process Comparison and Cost Reduction
Click on Resource 69.
70) - Welding-resources on Failures Prevention
Click on Resource 70.
71) - Resources on Direct Manufacturing
Click on Resource 71.
72) - Resources on Welding Distortion Prevention
Click on Resource 72.
73) - Resources on Metal Cutting
Click on Resource 73.
74) - Resources on Resistance Welding
Click on Resource 74.
75) - Resources on Underwater Welding
Click on Resource 75.
76) - Resources on Electron Beam Welding
Click on Resource 76
77) - Resources on Brazing
Click on Resource 77.
78) - Resources on Pulsed Arc Welding
Click on Resource 78.
79) - Resources on Fitness for Service
Click on Resource 79.
80) - Resources on Laser Beam Welding
Click on Resource 80.
81) - Resources on Magnetic Pulse Welding
Click on Resource 81.
82) - Resources on Cobalt Welding
Click on Resource 82
83) - Resources on Adaptive Welding Process Control
Click on Resource 83.
84) - Resources on Welding FAQ
Click on Resource 84.
85) - Resources on Metallography and Microscopy
Click on Resource 85.
86) - Resources on Weld Toughness
Click on Resource 86.
87) - Resources on Virtual Welding Training
Click on Resource 87.
88) - Resources on Inverter Welding Technology
Click on Resource 88.
89) - Resources on Duplex Stainless Steels
Click on Resource 89.
90) - Resources on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering
Click on Resource 90.
91) - Resources on Microstructural Changes in Friction Stir Welding
Click on Resource 91.
92) - Resources on Welding Preheating
Click on Resource 92.
93) - Resources on Submerged Arc Welding Flux
Click on Resource 93.
94) - Resources on Submerged Arc Welding Electrode Extension
Click on Resource 94.
95) - Resources on Vacuum Brazing
Click on Resource 95.
96) - Resources on Molybdenum
Click on Resource 96.
97) - Resources on Welding Jigs and Fixtures
Click on Resource 97.
98) - Resources on Design for Welding
Click on Resource 98.
99) - Resources on Welding Maintenance and Repair
Click on Resource 99.
100) - Resources on Welding Optimization
Click on Resource 100.
101) - Resources on Welding Productivity
Click on Resource 101.
102) - Resources on Weld Design and Review
Click on Resource 102.
103) - Updated Resources on Hybrid Laser Arc Welding
Click on Resource 103.
104) - Resources on Bridge Maintenance and Repair
Click on Resource 104.
105) - Resources on Weld Repair of Castings
Click on Resource 105
106) - Resources on Welding Automation
Click on Resource 106
107) - Resources on High Entropy Alloys
Click on Resource 107
108) - Resources on Mechanical Properties
Click on Resource 108
109) - Resources on Welding Inspection
Click on Resource 109
110) - Resources on Welding Engineering
Click on Resource 110
111) - Resources on Contract Welding
Click on Resource 111.
112) - Resources on Additive Manufacturing
Click on Resource 112.
113) - Resources on Weld Preparation
Click on Resource 113.
114) - Resources on Welding Sheet Metal
Click on Resource 114.
115) - Resources on Weld Quality
Click on Resource 115.
116) - Resources on Plasma Arc Cutting
Click on Resource 116.
117) - Resources on Metals, Part 1 - Steel - General
Click on Resource 117.
118) - Resources on Metals, Part 2 - High Strength Steel
Click on Bulletin 118.
119) - Resources on Metals, Part 3 - Stainless Steels
Click on Bulletin 119.
120) - Resources on Metals, Part 4 - Cast Irons
Click on Bulletin 120.
121) - Resources on Metals, Part 5 - Aluminum
Click on Bulletin 121.
122) - Resources on Metals, Part 6 - Magnesium
Click on Bulletin 122.
123) - Resources on Metals, Part 7 - Nickel
Click on Bulletin 123.
* * *
This page of Welding-resources is updated regularly by adding new
Mid Month Bulletins as they are published. Bookmark it! for reference.
Note: the addresses reported here were effective and operational when we originally published them. There is no guarantee that they will all be available at any time, because they are maintained by the original source, subject to their policy, their decisions and their responsibility.
If you want us to edit pages of Welding-resources, to add new links you found, if you need other subjects, or if you wish to send us your feedback, drop us a line.
Click on the Contact Us button from every page of this Website
We hope that this Welding-resources page will be useful again and again when you look for specific subjects. Therefore may we suggest that you bookmark it to see always the updated issue with new links to valuable information.
Watch this Video on Basic MIG Welding
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzBGZaS1apw&feature=related |
* * *

Wig Dragon
[From https://www.welding-advisers.com/my-works.html]
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to our informative pages on:
- welding basics,
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- welding materials and
- other welding related subjects.
We are informed that publishing a list of internal links in website pages, is judged as objectionable practice by companies that grade the relevance of the page content to users' usefulness.
Therefore, in an effort to comply with the above requirement,
we remove the usual list appearing in this location,
and urge our readers to use the Site Map to locate
the pages that might provide them the answers to their questions.
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